What is a Binding Rate?

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The "Best in Las Vegas Moving"

Binding Rate

A binding estimate indicates that you and your mover are bound by the charges that have been laid out in writing. It guarantees the total cost of the move and is based on the inventoried quantity of items and services requested by you or your mover.

Long Distance Moves Binding Rate:

On all of our long-distance moves we provide a binded rate, meaning that both Muscle Movers and our customers are bound to the agreed upon price. This rate gauruntees the total cost of the move and is based on the inventory that was originally agreed to.

These estimates are calculated by an itemized inventory list, not by weight. If inventory remains the same/correct on the day of the move, then the price will not change. If inventory has changed on the day of the move, the quote is also subject to being changed.

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